As we enter a new era for our organization, it’s important that all youth can see themselves in Scouting in every way possible.
Boy Scouts of America will have a new name for its older youth program starting February 2019. It’s important to note, our organization is not changing its name. We are still called the Boy Scouts of America. Within the Boy Scouts of America, we offer several programs: Cub Scouting, Boy Scouting (to be called Scouts BSA starting in February 2019), Venture Scouting, Sea Scouting, Exploring and Learning for Life.
Scouts BSA perfectly represents the new, inclusive program for older Scouts that the Boy Scouts of America is proud to offer. Starting in February 2019, Scouts BSA, will continue to offer programs in single-gender troops, through which Scouts, boys and girls, can work to earn their Eagle Scout rank.
Our council was fortunate enough to be chosen as one to participate in the “Early Adopter” phase of the family programming model for Cub Scouting. We currently have three Cub Scout Packs (Chenango Bridge, Harpursville and the Town of Union) signing up young girls to participate in Cub Scouts. To date, eight young ladies have joined. Early reports show enthusiasm and enjoyment from the young ladies. Our first young lady recently earned her Bobcat Badge from the Pack in Harpursville.
Starting June 11, 2018 all Cub Scout Packs in Baden-Powell Council can begin to sign up young ladies if they or their charter organization so wishes. The family programming model for Cub Scouting can be delivered in two formats. First, an all youth female Cub Scout Pack.Second, the family programming model will have male and female youth join for opening ceremonies/announcements, then break into male and female dens for program and leadership activities. Upon conclusion of the den meetings, male and female dens will rejoin for announcements and recognitions when necessary.
These program enhancements may be at first challenging to fully comprehend. Should you need further clarification or assistance in program implementation please don’t hesitate to contact our Scout Service Center. We have staff and volunteers who are happy and willing to assist in any possible way.
On behalf of nearly 3,000 youth throughout our six-county service area, I thank you for assisting in the delivery of life changing, character development programs!
Rick Christ
Scout Executive & CEO